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Monday, 2 April 2018


Race: Dwarf
Class: Aggressor
Survivability: Low
Damage Output: Very High (up to 24 without his fate abilities)
Threat Range: Medium (Charges 7" + 2" melee)

Profile: He's slow (though his MOV goes up when he charges), he's easy to hit and he has no RES but he does have MEL 7 which is average for an aggressor. His 16 health is neither high nor low.

What does he do?: Brok wants to get crits in melee. If he can get into melee and reliably roll crits then he becomes the best damage dealer in the game, without crits Thorgar does his job better. He also has an ability called cleave which allows him to attack multiple models and is a great way to spend a fate and Molten Metal which can do a lot of damage to defenders.

In order to run Brok effectively you need to set him up in order to be rolling a lot of attack dice, there are a number of ways to do this the easiest one is to have your opponent be a sport and play an all Dwarf/Minotaur warband. Even if they do this though you still only roll 4 dice when not charging which is not enough. I'll put up some dice maths again:

If you can roll 5 dice or more Brok will do more damage than Thorgar, if you are rolling 4 dice or less Thorgar will do more damage (and is also more survivable and has better other abilities). So how else can you dice fix without the helping hand of your opponent. You can stack ganging up bonuses by taking a number of other melee models, you can get knockdowns (Thorgar, Thrommel, Marcus etc. - all also melee models who can gang up), you can take Bastian for both ganging up and his Heroic Ballad ability, you can get poison on your opponent and you can take the Vorpal Blade.

Brok's survivability using only his base stats is extremely low, possibly the lowest in the game, this is compounded by the fact that he is a melee only aggressor. The other AGI 3 models in the game all have some combination of more boxes, RES, Regeneration, other healing abilities or ranged abilities allowing them to stay back. You need to take this survivability into account when playing him, you can mitigate it with his savagery ability, his level 2 ability Heroic Destiny, with defenders and with good placement.

Fate Appetite: Low. Though I did mention cleave and how strong it is, often you just want Brok to go whole hog on a model where he can get some additional dice. His two fate abilities cleave and his level 3 fate ability Molten Metal both add a lot of versatility without being necessary for him to have a good damage output.

Level Appetite: High. He wants to kill the monster, he wants to get to level 2 fast so that he can get a little bit of survivability. His level 3 ability (Molten Metal) is strong but you don't generally need to worry too much about him getting there, with his damage output he tends to level up easily after the two sides become engaged (provided you keep him alive).

Magic Items: Vorpal Blade (High). Brok needs crits to get his kit to work that means he needs as much dice fixing as he can get. The vorpal blade is a good start but he will often need more if you want to get his full damage potential out of him. He is also a good choice for the Glyph of Warding, he can use savagery to lift his RES and get to the front line and the extra RES from this item can be pretty important in keeping him alive.

Combinations: Bastian is the obvious pair for Brok. He can use his 3" melee range to engage and Heroic Ballad for an extra dice. He can also heal Brok when he triggers Heroic Destiny (or preferably before it's gone that far). Marcus and Thrommel can knock down his targets and help him to stay alive and Thorgar is a good aggressor partner for him because he doesn't need the Vorpal Blade quite as badly and can knock down models and bring them to him.

Ban Targets: Istariel. Fire counters Heroic Destiny and she has a field day against his low AGI. A lot of the elves can be a problem for him, they don't have RES so his level 3 ability does nothing and their high AGI makes it hard to get crits against them. Skye in particular is a problem not only is AGI 6 making him near impossible to crit against but also teleports into melee with Brok whenever he goes after another model reducing his dice pool.

Judy's Judgement:

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